Parkinson’s Disease
Supportive Care
What is Parkinson’s Disease?
Parkinson’s disease is an age-related degenerative brain condition, meaning it causes parts of your brain to deteriorate. While this condition is best known for how it affects muscle control, balance, and movement, it can also cause a wide range of other effects on your senses, thinking ability, mental health, and more.
The Problem with Dopamine Drugs
Considered the “gold standard” of Parkinson’s treatment are drugs that either convert to dopamine in the brain, or make the brain think it has dopamine.
While these treatments do help ease symptoms, they do not slow or stop the progression of the disease. As the disease progresses, larger doses are required.
Side effects may include nausea, vomiting, dry mouth and dizziness. Dyskinesias (abnormal movements) may occur as the dose is increased. In some patients, more serious side effects include confusion, hallucinations or psychosis.
The Role of Dopamine in Parkinson’s
Researchers have uncovered that Parkinson’s disease causes a major shift in brain chemistry due to deterioration in the basal ganglia, where the neurotransmitter dopamine is made. Under normal circumstances, the brain uses dopamine to control how your brain cells (neurons) communicate with each other using activation signals that tell muscles to move. As the disease progresses, nerve cells in the basal ganglia gradually die, which leads to symptoms such as muscle stiffness, slowed movements, tremors, cognitive impairment, and mood disorders.
Customized Treatment Plans
Our goal is to both slow down the progression of Parkinson’s and put symptoms into remission as naturally as possible. While these alternative solutions can be enough to be effective, a combination of medication and natural solutions may be needed depending on how far the disease has progressed. We will work with you to determine the best way to move forward with the least amount of side effects possible.
High Dose B1 & B6
High Dose Vitamin B1 (thiamine) and Vitamin B6 have been found to aid in the release of dopamine naturally and helps to slow or stop the progression of the disease. Clinical studies have shown these treatments can significantly improve both motor and non-motor symptoms and reduce the risk of mild cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s patients.
Glutathione Push
Glutathione has antioxidant properties that help protect cells in the brain and may slow disease progression. Research has shown that Parkinson’s patients may not have enough glutathione to combat the oxidative stress in the brain. By maintaining glutathione levels, we can decrease the number of injured cells while improving motor symptoms.
There is often an association with low levels of NAD in Parkinson’s patients. This IV helps to improve overall mental sharpness and helps to slow the progression of Parkinson’s and age-related cognitive decline.
Heavy Metal Testing & Treatment
Research has shown heavy metals to be a direct contributor to the development of Parkinson’s Disease. If heavy metals are present in a patient’s body, IV chelation may be recommended to detox the body in an effort to slow or stop the progression of the disease.
Ozone IV & Insufflation
This direct infusion of energized oxygen gives the brain exactly what it needs for cellular communication, circulation, and improved function while simultaneously lowering inflammation and aiding the body in detoxing heavy metals and other toxins that contribute to the progression of Parkinson’s.
Science Based Nutritional Program
We don't guess. We test. This blood test developed by Dr. Van Merkle checks the 12 body systems, gives a detailed report on problem areas, and recommends custom supplements your body needs to restore full body health, including healthy brain function.
Trust Your Gut Protocol
Studies have shown a correlation between Parkinson’s symptoms and Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) - a toxic bacteria that activates neurodegeneration when it travels from the gut to the brain in patients with Leaky Gut Syndrome. In healing the gut, we can stop LPS and other toxic bacteria from crossing the gut barrier which aids in halting the progression of Parkinson’s.